Windows Mobile 6.1 for HTC Touch ReviewMe: Tech/Power user
ROM: Stock OEM Sprint ROM Windows Mobile 6.1 (3.03.651.4-6/30/08)
Stock Additions:1. Added Functionality for GPS hardware to use in Windows Live Search
2. Huge upgrade to Windows Live Search! Added speach recognition, GPS mapping, Movies, Gas Prices to the already kick ass program features.
3. Upgraded OnDemand and renamed to Pocket Express
4. Sprint added Opera Mobile 8.65 to their OEM ROM. While this browser is far better than Pocket IE 6 (even with the added zoom feature from 6.1), it is still no comparison to the new Opera Mobile 9.5 that they are beta testing now. It does not support double-tap zoom in and out.
5. Windows Mobile 6.1 added threaded text messaging. This is cool. Now when i go to my text inbox, i can see each 'conversation' and when I click on a person's conversation I can see the entire text chain (sent and received) as an instant messenger screen. Very cool IMO!
Custom Installed Programs/Hacks:1. Opera 9.1 build 1184 (modified for htc touch) (pre beta release) - this version of Opera Mobile allows double-tap for zoom in and zoom out, has a new easy to use interface that leaves most of the window to browsing! It's truly as close as you can get to safari. I am looking forward to the 9.5 edition once it's fully released!
2. S2U2 (slide to unlock) - iphone-like phone locking program.
3. sMMs - Send picture mail (sprint's version of MMS) from my phone. This feature is not built in to Sprint's Windows Mobile phones.
4. HTC Streaming Media Player - Removed by Sprint.. added back by me. This program plays youtube and other browser incompatible streaming media sources automatically and takes you back to the browser when done.
5. HTC Touch Diamond keyboard set. This includes the same keyboards as the OEM Rom (keypad, touch keyboard, and Qwerty keyboard). This set of keyboards is designed to look sharp and fit the touch diamond look.
6. HTC Touch Diamond dialer. This is the phone program made over to look like the Touch Diamond's sharp dialer interface.
7. TCPMP. This is a media player that can play compressed movies that I put on there.
Overall:Love this phone! Great for people who don't like to be 'stuck in the box' with their phone. On the other hand, it's easy to crash and mess up your phone by installing incompatible apps and hacking the settings. Still, I definitely like this update... looking forward to windows mobile 7.